Macronutrients are nutrients found in the body in a greater abundance when compared to the quantity of micronutrients. Macronutrients consist of protein, fats, carbs, and water. Water is the most abundant macronutrient, and often the one that most forget about. All these macronutrients are needed and utilized by the body to perform many functions. Lets break each one down.
- Most of our cells are made up of water. To continuously improve our health, our cells need to be nourished to keep our body thriving.
- Water improves cell to cell communication.
- Water improves oxygen delivery to cells.
- Water moistens the lung tissue for oxygen exchange which makes breathing easier.
- Water regulates body temperature when the body is undergoing an immune response.
- Water cushions our bones, joints, organs, and lubricates tissue.
- Protein are the building blocks of our body. They provide structure to cells, tissues, organs, nerves, teeth, bones, hair and nails.
- Eating enough protein in our diet is crucial to hormone production. People who lack this macronutrient could create hormone imbalances in their body.
- Proteins produce neurotransmitters which help us think, reflect, feel emotion, and act.
- Protein is essential for our gut health. The hormones that are needed to break down food need protein to do their job.
- Proteins help us fight infection when our body is having an immune response.
- Proteins are the catalyst for all biochemical processes in the body.
- 15-20% of our body weight is compromised of fat.
- There are three different types of fats that are identified by their degree of saturation. They are:
- Saturated
- Monounsaturated
- Polyunsaturated
- Fats are needed to produce and use hormones effectively.
- Fats are the building blocks for creating strong cell membranes.
- Fats are required by the body to absorb vitamins A, D, E and K.
- Fats provide long lasting energy in the body. They are also the preferred source of energy for the heart.
- Carbs provide fuel for our brain and is a quick source of energy for muscle.
- Carbs provide a source of fiber which is supportive to gut health.
- Carbs help break down protein and fat.
- Carbs fight infections.
- Carbs can be made naturally in the body.
- Carbs can be found in many plant based items.