Yoga is an ancient Indian practice used to balance the mind and body through exercise, meditation, breathing control and emotional awareness.
When translated in Sanskrit, yoga literally means, “to make one.” In the practice of yoga, a student aims to unite their mind and body consciousness with their spirit. Through consistent practice, a person can successfully learn and achieve what it means and what it feels like to exist in a pure state of consciousness.
Yoga can be traced back over 5,000 years ago to the Indus Valley Civilization. Over the years, the traditional Indian practice was conditioned by Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism, and other religions, philosophies, and teachings.
Yoga Sutras is a collection on the theory and practice of Yoga. Sutras explain how to cultivate ones path to bliss and release ego. The sutras include the 8 Limbs of Yoga. They are:
- Yama: explains ethical behavior one should follow in daily life and relationships.
- Niyama: attention to the relationship with oneself
- Asana: being present in ones body
- Pranayama: controlled intake and outflow of breath in an established posture.
- Pratyahara: draw the senses inward and minimize external distraction.
- Dharana: mindful and focused concentration.
- Dhyana: uniting the body, breath, and mind.
- Samadhi: embodying the full yoga practice as a lifestyle. Ultimately achieve pure bliss.
While Yoga is a practice that engages our physical body, the practice is much more of a mental and spiritual experience. Without judgement, a person practicing yoga should gracefully try to calm the storm of their internal thoughts and steady the mind. I’ve always loved this saying as a yoga student: “the way you practice on your mat can be a true testimony to how you show up off your mat.” Achieving the heightened sense of awareness and connection that is made on the mat, should be carried out off the mat in all of our daily activities to the best of our ability.
Being an active yoga student supports an individual beyond the physical aspects. Yoga offers many health benefits including:
- Physical Well-Being: a common misconception about yoga is that a student practicing needs to be limber and fit. This is far from true. Yoga is for EVERY BODY, literally. It is not a pre-requisite to have these things to practice yoga. Incorporating yoga into your lifestyle can improve your flexibility, strength, and balance. Furthermore, it will improve cardiovascular health, boost immunity, and manage pain.
- Mental Clarity and Emotional Balance: through breathing techniques, mindfulness, and intention movement, yoga can help you manage everyday stressors and respond effectively to stress. As a student prioritizes this practice, their sense of inner peace and confidence can grow.
- Spiritual Growth: Yoga provides a pathway for self-discovery. Each time you step on your mat, you can facilitate a deeper understanding of your true self and learn your purpose. When you step off your mat, this awareness and self-development journey grows through you.
- Holistic Wellness: By connecting the body, mind, and spirit, yoga supports overall well-being and promotes a balanced and fulfilling lifestyle. You may introduce better eating habits and lifestyle behaviors that enhance your yoga practice further.
Yoga can be a life long practice for many. It encompasses so many important factors that control our health and wellness. Being a yogi has changed my life and the way I do things. I would absolutely recommend implementing yoga as a part of your life to maximize your mental, physical, and spiritual wellbeing.