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When is it Time to Seek Nutrition Help?

Seeking help in any area of life puts anyone in a vulnerable position. We don’t always want to admit that we need help because we’re conditioned to believe that needing help is a sign of weakness. Eliminating that belief from our minds and understanding that asking for help is powerful, we can achieve more than what we ever imagined. 

Seeking nutrition help is a conversation I come across quite often. Whether someone wants advice on how to eat better, how to lose weight, or wants to feel more energized – the conversation seems to always be an open discussion, but no actionable steps are followed. Why? Is it fear? Money? Uncertainty? Digging into this a little further, I’ve found that people associate having to overhaul their entire diet and life to achieve the results they want. Lifestyles by Liz doesn’t stand behind this. Instead, LSBL matches your needs and goals,  to your routine and lifestyle. Shifts occur, but it’s done in a gradual fashion to manage motivation and focus. 

Seeking nutrition help will be different among each individual. Here are some examples of when you may want to reach out to a nutritionist:

  • You’re confused when you read ingredient and nutrition labels.
  • You’re taking random supplements/vitamins without knowing if it’s right for you.
  • You’re eliminating random items out of your diet because other people are doing the same thing.
  • You’re following trendy diets like intermittent fasting for a quick fix to lose weight.
  • You’re receiving nutrition advice from people who are not qualified to provide guidance and recommendations for your unique body and health. 
  • Your doctor or other healthcare professional encourages you to make dietary changes.


This could be the very beginning of a profound transformation in your lifestyle. I am always available for FREE consultations to discuss how I can help you improve your health. Let’s talk soon!

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